Connecting with Clients & Prospects / Event Planning Checklist

Practice Management

Event Planning Checklist for Financial Advisors

We are excited to introduce our Event Planning Checklist, prepared exclusively for financial advisors by our experienced marketing team. Whether you're hosting a client appreciation event, seminar, or workshop, our comprehensive checklist will be your one-stop shop to help you ensure your event is a resounding success.


What you'll get

Download your Event Planning Checklist today and elevate your client engagement with memorable events that strengthen relationships and drive business growth.

blue-checkmark Event Strategy Best Practices
Develop a clear event strategy that aligns with your business objectives and client engagement goals.
blue-checkmark Location Selection Tips
Discover how to choose the perfect venue that aligns with your event goals and client preferences.
blue-checkmark Room Setup Essentials
Learn best practices for arranging seating, decor, and technology to create a welcoming and professional atmosphere.
blue-checkmark Timelines
Stay organized with a detailed timeline from pre-event planning to post-event follow-up.

Who we are

We strive to offer excellence in investment management and to be a valued extension of your team. We have a broad range of research competencies including deep fundamental research, quantitatively-based smart beta, and specialized strategies for asset class alpha opportunities.

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